Published on January 4, 2006 By WOM In WinCustomize Talk

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!

From watching whats on the news now a days, thought this made a lot of sense.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 04, 2006
There has never been a war fought because of something non-religious.
on Jan 04, 2006
There has never been a war fought because of something non-religious

That's a bit of a sweeping statement. Helen of Troy was not a religious artifact. What was the "religious" content of the World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, French-Indian War, American Civil War (does the Panama Canal thing count). Not to say that there have not been wars based on reigion, I just think your statement is a slightly inaccurate.
on Jan 04, 2006
Hum, I'am somewhat on in years, but what about the Spanish/American war and the Mexican/American.?
on Jan 04, 2006
Hum, I'am somewhat on in years, but what about the Spanish/American war and the Mexican/American.?

Not to mention the American Revolutionary War, wich was caused by no representation in England. Freedom of religion was a benifit of that war, not the cause.
on Jan 04, 2006
Spanish/American war and the Mexican/American

Could've been a failed attempt to convert the Catholic majority to Protestant.
on Jan 04, 2006
There has never been a war fought because of something non-religious

Of course there have been wars over religion, but the majority are about money, power, greed and the control of land and people. Your statement is more than slightly inaccurate.
on Jan 04, 2006
Nah, in one we wanted the land.
on Jan 04, 2006
The US didn't declare war against Saddam over because of religion. Fear yes, but not religion.
on Jan 04, 2006
You could say all wars were fought over religion, or none at all. Remember how we were taught the American Civil War was fought over slavery? It's all in the interpretation.

War isn't the issue here anyway. Obviously, anyone who starts wars, is ignoring basic tenants of just about all of the big religions.

The issue here is freedom to practice, or not to practice religion. I choose not to practice, and I don't want people telling me I have to, or saying to me that I'm wrong and will turn to religion in the future. That is an insult to my ideas and quite disrespectful.

People have many, many times a day they can pray or do whatever they want to do. If you think people are better off with religion, and think it should be forced or at least encouraged, than get an amendment to the Consitution passed.

And for whoever was saying there is less religion going around now, than 50 years ago is greatly mistaken. Forced prayer was taken out of school, and rightfully so. Other than that, things are pretty much the same, if not more religious. Members of government use religion more, and religion is invading science. There is more religion in movies, television, and music. Basically, we're constantly surrounded by something that has religion in it.

Another thing: keep in mind the founding fathers were not Christian, but rather deist. Meaning they belived there was one God, and that's it. No Jesus, no Bible, just God. In fact, it is well established Ben Franklin attended meetings of the first Satanist organizations. I'm sure none of them would be too pleased with what is going on today, in terms of religion.
on Jan 04, 2006
on Jan 04, 2006
You could say all wars were fought over religion, or none at all. all good conscience "I" could not say that. I cannot "interpret" day for night.

And for whoever was saying there is less religion going around now, than 50 years ago is greatly mistaken

I'm only 43, but I can tell you from for certain that there is a lot less religion in government, the movies and television than just 30 years ago. When do you think all those Christmas specials were made. Mel gibson releases his movie n Christ and the Country just about went into convulsions over the politically incorrect depiction of Jews. None of this happened over The Greatest Story Ever Told or Ben Hur or the dozens of other movies of the era.

As for Government...your so far off base I won't even respond.

Another thing: keep in mind the founding fathers were not Christian, but rather deist. Meaning they belived there was one God, and that's it. No Jesus, no Bible, just God. In fact, it is well established Ben Franklin attended meetings of the first Satanist organizations.

What a load of crap. You talk about insulting your cherished beliefs. I don't know where you came by these "facts" but I would bet they're either the latest "politically correct" version of history taught in public schools or just some internet blogger bull.

I will concede one point....there is more religion in science today than there used to be. That's mostly due to the fact that science has been verifying what was previously thought to be "fanciful notions" "mythical places" and "unreliable accounts" in the bible. I'd point you to the National Geogrphic article on the genetic research that puts "Eve" at having lived several thousand years ago instead of several hundred thousand as previously stated as fact by the Scientific Community.
on Jan 04, 2006
More than I can say for many so-called 'Christians.'

And Athiests for that matter, or any other religious or non-religious affiliation. "Christians" are not perfect and neither is anyone else. Next, you'll be saying that the African-American population does all the killing and stealing in America. We are all flawed in different ways. Adamness, you obviously have a problem with the "Christian" religion. And, as a Christian, I have a problem with religion as well. Religion is rules. But faith in Christ is about relationship. Relationship with God, His Son and The Holy Spirit. Religion, without relationship, is the cause of wars. Take the time to get to know your neighbor and you'l have a much harder time killing him. Religion is trash. Faith and relationship with the big 3 and each other is what it is all about.

The challenge Christ puts before every Christian is to love others as yourself. That is where we as Christians fail. It is a big challenge.

The thing I don't understand is this belief that you can't have any religion to have religious freedom. I have no problem praying to Christ while the guy next to me prays to Allah and the guy next to him reading a book or talking with a friend. Removing all of it is not the answer. That is simply a discrimination against all who claim some type of belief in a higher power. Teach your children to relate to each other and they will get along with thier peers. I respect those who don't believe in Christ, they are wrong, but that doesn't mean I don't respect them. God knows, I'm wrong all the time. But my wife and kids still respect me as a husband and father. Why, because of thier relationship with me.

Sometimes all you have to do is listen.
on Jan 04, 2006
You are correct, Sir. Also, education. Which, sorry to say, is sorely lacking in too many people.
on Jan 04, 2006
I would comment, but the fact that this bothers so many people on both sides of the fence deters me. I am actually sad about the conflicts this topic causes.
on Jan 04, 2006
There were a small number of people talking about the anti-semitism in 'Passion of the Christ.' Again, this is an example of people in the majority acting as if they're under constant attack.

And no, I have no problem with the Christian religion, nor what Jesus preached. I have a big problem with the followers, though. I don't tell people why I am an atheist, or they they should be atheists, and I wish people of faith would grant me the same courtesy.

And I don't know what you're talking about, accusing me of being a racist. Don't make wild accusations.

And Lantec, saying you can't interpret day for night, well, what can I say. Maybe I misunderstood that, but if not, learn to think for yourself. There is nothing wrong with seeing things in your own, individual way. And what bible-proving-science were you talking about? Usually real science is misinterpreted and skewed in favor of the Bible being truth. Just look at that Dr. Dino guy.
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